Why we need harmonious discord... and why I worry about the Republican Party.
As I sit here, three days post-election, I worry about the future of the Republican Party. This may come as a surprise to many. I had much to celebrate Tuesday night. I believe the best man won to lead our nation. I am glad to see gains in the senate for women. The idea of a solid and balanced Supreme Court seems pretty solid. A woman's right to control her body is safe. Frankly, a balanced Supreme Court will be for a fairly long time. I am sure that many that bemoan Obamacare are happy they and their children will continue to have benefits till they are 26 on their employer’s plans. We can celebrate that the election occurred without the entire rancor and legal challenges that the press warned us of. That with all of our challenges we have conducted an election and the success of our process for elections is not perfect, but by gosh it does work and we have peace on our shores post election. ...